MLK Parade Participation Guidelines

In preparation for our Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Parade, the CARE team asks you to take note (and share with friends) a few participation and safety guidelines for this joyful, family-friendly event:

  • We encourage signs and banners that uphold Dr. King’s message love, justice, equality, and inclusion for all. All signs or banners must be made of crushable materials such as poster board, cardboard, or foam board. Please do not bring wooden or metal poles or signs as they are expressly forbidden in our city permit.
  • All signs and banners should use language acceptable to use with small children, and no symbols of the Confederacy, white supremacy, neo-Nazi, or other fascist or racist movements or groups are permitted.
  • We will use photography, professional drone imagery, and individual selfies (bring your phones!) to capture a images of a community that is claiming its streets for nonviolence.
  • In order to ease the anxieties of all participants,
    please do us a favor and leave backpacks at home or in your car.
  • As always, CARE policy restricts the carrying of all weapons of any type, and the city permit further restricts masks other than masks such as KN95 masks used for medical protection. Also forbidden by city policy are shields, helmets not associated with a motorcycle or bicycle, chemical irritants such as aerosol sprays, and any items that might be used as projectiles, such as rocks or glass bottles.